Is your DTH subscription price is high??? Or tired of paying greater amounts to the cable connections??? Don’t worry, I’m here to help you out. Keep on reading this article to get rid of the DTH connections and enjoy watching your favourite channels for free. Install Fluxus IPTV on Kodi to have the access to unlimited IPTV channels.
Trust me, I don’t know about Fluxus IPTV till I write this article. When I’m looking for IPTV source providers, I got this wonderful application.
What is Fluxus IPTV???
In case, If you don’t know about Fluxus IPTV lemme brief you. It is one of the popular IPTV channel providers. You can stream live TV channels, news and sports from all over the globe. Unlike any other IPTV, Fluxus provides us with a huge M3U list. We can have more live actions on the go.
Fluxus TV is kept on updating the live channels and makes it available in the form of an M3U file. An M3U is a test file that has names and a listing of IPTV sources.
Setup Fluxus IPTV on Kodi
There are two definitive ways to install Fluxus IPTV on Kodi. It can be done by utilizing the Kodi Addons.
- Playlist Loader Method (Simple)
- PVR IPTV Simple Client Methods (Advanced)
Note: Please note that Both Playlist Loader and PVR IPTV Simple Client are the addons of Kodi TV. You can get them on Kodi for free
1. Installing Fluxus IPTV using Playlist Loader
- First of all, download and install the Playlist Loader Add-0n. It can be done by Kodi —-> Add-ons —-> My Add-ons —->Playlist Loader
- Now open Playlist Loader Add-on.
- Next, click on Add a new list.
- Give a name to list on your choice.
- Select Remote-list.
- After that, you will get a dialogue box asking you to enter a URL.
- Enter the Fluxus IPTV M3U URL and proceed further.
- Select the None option for Choose List Logo.
- Again click on None for Select Channels Logos Source.
- That’s it!!! Now click on Enter.
- You will now see Playlist has been added to Kodi.
- Enjoy watching your favourite live channels on Kodi.
2. Install Fluxus IPTV by PVR IPTV Simple Client Method
- Set up the add-on by going to the Kodi —-> Add-ons —-> My Add-ons —-> PVR Simple Client Method —-> Configure
- Next, go to M3U Playlist URL and enter the Fluxus IPTV M3U URL on it.
- Wait for some time for the playlist to load on your Kodi.
- Once the channels are loaded, the Kodi device should be refreshed and can see a notification that how many channels were added.
- Go back to the Kodi homepage and click on the add-on to launch the Playlist and see what channels have loaded.
- With this, you successfully added channels on Kodi.
That’s all about how to install Fluxus TV on Kodi. By using the Playlist Loader method, you can add multiple URLs. But, by using the Simple Client Method you can add only one URL at a time.
No, you don’t need to pay a single penny for using Fluxus IPTV. Get the huge list of M3U URLs for free.
There are many alternatives some of which are Tivimate IPTV, Freeflix TV
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